
Thursday, January 1, 2009

3 eBay Affiliate Tools



Here are 3 tools that eBay has given to make an affiliate's work easier.

1) eBay Editor Kit (EK)

With the eBay Editor Kit EK, affiliates can add relevant, real-time eBay listings to their Web sites in just seconds.

eBay states that the EK produces click-through rates two times greater than traditional banners!

The eBay Editor Kit dynamically lists pertinent eBay auctions and listing details, including product information, gallery images, bidding prices, and ending times. Each specification is completely customizable.

Affiliates can display up to 200 eBay listings that are dynamically updated in real-time.

Additionally, affiliates are able to customize each Editor Kit by specifying the search results set and the format to match the content and look of your Web site.

Some of the customizable features include:

** Search term
** eBay category
** Seller(s)
** Number of items displayed
** Editor Kit size and color

2) Dynamic Landing Pages (DLPs)

To increase affiliates' conversion rates, eBay supplies affiliates with Dynamic Landing Pages (DLPs): specialized portal pages available for thousands of eBay's most requested and relevant keywords, like "fishing", "handbag", and "Gymboree".

DLPs are proven to be 33% more effective at converting traffic than ordinary landing pages!

It's easy to implement the DLPs.

Simply go to EBay Keywords for a list of all eBay DLPs and link directly to those pages relevant to your site.

Then append "%26krd=1" to the end of a search results link that you use as your landing page.

The user will be redirected to a DLP if one exists for that keyword. If the page does not exist, the user will be sent to the original landing page instead.

3) eBay Flexible Destination Tool (FDT)

The Flexible Destination Tool is a powerful tool that eBay offers its affiliates that allows you to build your own eBay text choose the landing page.

You can use Hot ebay keywords to create a Hot Items! section on your website or easily promote all the Buy It Now! items.

EBay Flexible Destination Tool

Find it at EBay Flexible Destination Tool