
Monday, February 9, 2009

Clickbank Ads (CBAds) vs. Google Adsense



There are many methods to make money online, but the easiest method is to earn money by displaying Google Adsense Ads. Agreed it is the most dominant contextual advertising program, but it has some limitations too, for example

1. The website/blog should be approved by Google and adhere to its terms and conditions.

2. Abide the restrictions on the Ad placement

3. You do not have power to mange the Ad.

4. Awarded only for clicks but not for the sale made through clicks

5. You receive only a few cents per click and thus a low income

6. Most important, to get a minimum of $100, you need to have thousands of Adsense clicks

So, utilizing the Ads concept, a new form of high earning potential ClickBank Ads were designed. These CBAds have remarkable features and are much efficient in terms of earning power, for example

1. You are awarded with full affiliate commission rather than pay per click for any sale

2. The affiliate commission ranges upto 75% of the product price, so you can make good money.

3. You have a perfect control over the Ads displayed.

4. There are no restrictions for Ads placement.

5. You have the flexibility to display the Ads depending upon your choice of keywords.

So you are the boss of your Ads, you can customize your ads as per your choice. You have the full control over the Ad content too. Apart from that you can even change the format to suit your needs.

In summary, why to waste your traffic in accumulating just cents from Google Adsense? Make thousands of dollars with it. Signup ClickBank Ads and keep the 100% of the profits made through your efforts.