
Thursday, April 23, 2009

phpBay Pro Tips and Hints

eBay's search will tend to return you a very wide array of results if you don't restrict it. For instance, while I searched on "ipod nano 8GB" only one of the items return fits. You must use the negative terms to narrow your search. While I put skins and cases in as negative terms, I got results for skin and case. Most of the items in that particular niche are various types of accessories. I find "for" to be a pretty good negative term in that case, but you will want to tweak your own listings to make sure you get what you want.


phpBay Pro includes the cloaked links function, so the Big G is less likely to decide you are a thin affiliate. Please, however, actually create useful and keyword focused content. You're doing yourself and everyone else a favor. That didn't happen so much with BANS, and look how that is ending up. You needn't get a Pulitzer Prize for your writing, but there needs to be something there. You can use the SEOd URLs instead of eBay Rover links and use mod_rewrite so the images aren't obviously coming from eBay as well.

for more information about phpBay Pro, please read more on: