
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Generating Automated Blog Content to Keep Your Online Cash System Running Automatically

If you are in online marketing, you've probably realized by a lot that it can cover most of your days and nights. The promise of quick riches is not true in general, and no one tells you how much free time to be absorbed in writing articles, creating blogs and websites and the development of e-mail lists.

However, there is a way to automate the blog content which can work for you automatically, freeing much faster once in your life:

using Autoblogged.

People like to see new things and the more entries you write, most people come to visit. But do you really think you have that kind of time?  I was able to find a way to automate your blog content which is not quality reduced. Nobody knows that you are not really with all these posts!

using autoblogged.

1. Make sure you know what your niche and your position with your competitors.

2.Start your own blog and write as much as you can in the beginning.

3.Switch through reliable autoblogging program to automate things like blog content and opportunities for your blogs.

It is a secret method for your blog starts, clicks and leads as soon and as long as possible. But more than that, you will see that your products and your customers are getting popular by giving them a sense of confidence in you as you keep present fresh content. And by creating and keep all this content, you can also open up new advertising and marketing your products and services.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog Summary of Autoblogged and its Competitors


AutoBlogged itself is a powerful blogging plugin for WordPress that automatically creates blog posts from RSS or Atom.
Auto Blogging is a great way to automate your wordpress posts to win your efforts to focus on the money with your blog. With dozens of features AutoBlogged has a plug-in autoblog most powerful software WordPress and the best way to blog content automatically.

Here are some topics about Autoblogged and its competitors, named, WPMixer, CC Caffeinated Content:

WordPress AutoBlog Plugin: Automatically generate blog posts from …

Wordpress Autoblog plugin: Caffeinated Content

WPMixer – A Sophisticated Wordpress Autoblog Plugin Designed for Autoblogging

Wordpress Autoblogging Paid Plugin Review: Autoblogged, CC, WPmixer

Autoblogged or WPmixer: Which One to Choose for Wordpress Autoblogging

Thursday, April 23, 2009

8 Reasons Why self hosted wordpress blog is better then blogspot blog

One of the simple reason is it’s free and people use for Black hat SEO, spamming and for affiliate landing pages. When talking about self hosted blog, people thing that the person has paid for the service and he is serious about his project and work. Theme and templates : It will be wrong to say that blogspot doesn’t have quality theme after I wrote about comfy magazine , but then the kind of support , themes and plugin wordpress has, it make it unbeatable. …

Go here to see the original: 
8 Reasons Why self hosted wordpress blog is better then blogspot blog

phpBay Pro Tips and Hints

eBay's search will tend to return you a very wide array of results if you don't restrict it. For instance, while I searched on "ipod nano 8GB" only one of the items return fits. You must use the negative terms to narrow your search. While I put skins and cases in as negative terms, I got results for skin and case. Most of the items in that particular niche are various types of accessories. I find "for" to be a pretty good negative term in that case, but you will want to tweak your own listings to make sure you get what you want.


phpBay Pro includes the cloaked links function, so the Big G is less likely to decide you are a thin affiliate. Please, however, actually create useful and keyword focused content. You're doing yourself and everyone else a favor. That didn't happen so much with BANS, and look how that is ending up. You needn't get a Pulitzer Prize for your writing, but there needs to be something there. You can use the SEOd URLs instead of eBay Rover links and use mod_rewrite so the images aren't obviously coming from eBay as well.

for more information about phpBay Pro, please read more on:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Affiliate Data Feed Generator, Turn Affiliate DataFeeds Into RSS Feeds ...


Instantly Turn Affiliate DataFeeds Into Rich Profitable Content For Your Blogs and Web Pages! ... Datafeeds are a fantastic way to get that content. ...

Categories: rss tools

Monday, April 13, 2009

Beginner’s Guide to E-Commerce Solution


Shopping Cart is like a store front where you can display your products, catalogue, price etc. The customer comes to your store through website and selects the item which he requires; after selection gets completed he will be shown with …

Beginner’s Guide to E-Commerce Solution | Showcases | instantShift

Related Articles:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Give Me a Niche and I'll Build Your Custom Automated Blog


April 8th, 2009 | Tags: Amazon, are-available, before, Customization, design, highly-targeted, premium, site, sites, sites-are, store-featuring, the-shop, the-site, your-avearge

amazon Store And Affiliate Programs As you can see on the site, there is a link to the shop where there is a auto-updated store featuring highly targeted items that are available via Amazon. … Premium Wordpress Themes (Value is $70+ alone Before The Customization And logo Design!) These aren’t your avearge Wordpress blog themes

Permanent link to this post (69 words, estimated 17 secs reading time)

Technorati Tags: Amazon, are-available, before, Customization, design, highly-targeted, premium, site, sites, sites-are, store-featuring, the-shop, the-site, your-avearge

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How To Get People To Subscribe To Your RSS Feeds :Online Business


April 7th, 2009 | Tags: a-favor-and, book, every-sale-, handbook-, has-full, joining-the, Layout Options, Marketing, pay-for, program-you, will-streamline, you-haven, your-marketing

Super Affiliate Handbook.

Permanent link to this post (20 words, estimated 5 secs reading time)

Technorati Tags: a-favor-and, book, every-sale-, handbook-, has-full, joining-the, Layout Options, Marketing, pay-for, program-you, will-streamline, you-haven, your-marketing

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Posts about Magento vs. Opencart vs. Zencart as of March 10, 2009



  • Magento Hosting : General questions About Magento

    Magento is the leading e-commerce platform rapidly gaining in popularity. Start your own online store powered by magento now by hosting your store either with our recommended webhost or with the providers of the best dedicated servers This magento discussion was started by Lovely on 21 January 2009 I need a basic, simple shopping cart that: Is a “page” within a Wordpress blog—able to easily design it to look like the blog. Does not require an SSL to work. Does not req


  • MailChimp Gets 4 Stars from Practical Ecommerce

    Armando Roggio from Practical Ecommerce did a review on MailChimp recently (after several months of use), which covered a bunch of our power features that internet retailers might be interested in, like our Inbox Inspector , A/B optimizer , RSS-to-email , and e-commerce plugins for Magento, ZenCart, and osCommerce plugins. It’s a pretty thorough review, with insights and constructive criticism specifically tailored to internet retailers. Heck, we learned some stuff that you can do wit


  • Web Design Eastbourne

    Web Design Eastbourne by Sunlust Designs - was previously.Now providing freelance web design services, including wordpress blogs setup and design, joomla installation and design, oscommerce, zencart, magento and more.


  • Magento team Europe tour: Netherlands, France and Germany

    The Magento team (which is behind the pretty popular e-commerce software MagentoCommerce) is excited to start the New Year with a European tour with stops in the Netherlands, France, and Germany. This is a great opportunity for them to engage with the innovative and enthusiastic members of their European community. They look forward to hearing from you and learning about how Magento can become a part of your toolbox and online eCommerce operations. Visit the links provided to get information


  • Launches Re-designed Web Site that Sells Protea Flower Bouquets Utilizing the Magento E-commerce Platform


  • Web Hosting : postgres vs mysql for MMO server

    Hostgator and Bluehost are our best webhosts and is the best domain registrar. This web hosting thread started by Red Squirrel on 30 December 2008 I will be taking an existing MMO server that saves data in flat files. Every 15 minutes it saves the ENTIRE world data to the file, rewriting the original. Very bad design as the more mobiles/items, the longer these saves take (halting game play). I will be rewriting most of the server application so that whenever something changes i


  • What’s about SimpleScripts?

    SimpleScripts is a one-click installer of the web’s most popular applications for Blogs, Photo Albums, Online Stores, Forums, Wikis… etc. In short, SimpleScripts is an automated script installer. In case you’re wondering, yes, it’s something that works exactly like the famous Fantastico. I’m happy with Fantastico, why SimpleScripts? Yes indeed, why switch? Frankly, I don’t see any huge plus points with SimpleScipts. While the officials are claiming that they offer better ‘versioning service


  • A Review of Simple Scripts

    This is not a paid or sponsored post, but my opinion of a service that I find truly worth using - no compensation or affiliate links have been placed in or will be received for publishing this post. Many bloggers and website owners are quite familiar with cPanel, one of the leading control panels for managing and administering everything on your website, along with Fantastico, an integrated system for updating and installing blog software, content management systems, customer relationship soft


  • What is the best shopping cart?

    If you try to ask this question on some forum or newsgroup, you will surely get many replies. Everyone will present you his favorite. My first developed online store was created with standard osCommerce platform. After three or four projects, I started to work with CRE Loaded and used it frequently for years. Although it was also an osCommerce fork, it had many advantages. I switched to Magento™ early this year and this is my final choice. Let’s look at the popularity of those platforms now


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  • Interview: Wearport on Magento

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  • What’s New in MailChimp?

    This past weekend, we completed our server upgrades, in order to improve system load balancing before the busy holiday season. The holiday season is usually a time when we see email delivery volumes double or triple, so we want to be ready. On that note, we won’t be launching any new major upgrades for the next couple months, because we need to keep things niiiiiiice and stable through January. So, we’d like to recap some of our most recent upgrades, in case you missed any of our email update


  • Magento e-commerce on-line stores custom development with Ma

    Seek for magento experts? Surgeworks E-Commerce Business Unit specializes in e-commerce solutions based on Magento.We create complete online stores and convert your existing osCommerce, ZenCart or CRE Loaded web site into a full featured Magento store!


  • Bluehost : Magento installation errors

    Bluehost is among our best web hosts. Sign up with bluehost here This is a bluehost question posted by sportsguy on 11 November 2008 any help is greatly appreciated with this. I installed Magento with the SIMPLE SCRIPTS option and it installed fine. However I don’t think it is installing everything 100% correctly. I can add products and make changes in the admin page but the store front is not affected and no products are added to the catalog. The header (my account, my wishlist, my cart,


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  • Magento Theme Customization

    Creative Glance is leading outsourcing company for ecommerce website development and custom web solution provider. They provide services for CMS based Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress customization and Ecommerce based Magento, osCommerce and Zencart customization


  • ZenCart and Magento for eCommerce

    A high level comparison between ZenCart and Magento. This is good for a business owner who is considering open source shopping carts for their online store.


  • More on Magento Cart

    It’s been a few weeks, and I’ve been under the hood trying to master the skinning process behind Magento. It’s a lot more complicated than WordPress, that’s for sure! However, I’ve made progress, and managed a three-column liquid layout for the front page. However, it’s still ALOT to learn, and I’ve got a long way to go. So we’re going to install the Modern Template for Magento, and finish up entering the products and such, then open the site and I’ll keep working on the skin. I hate…


  • “Magento is by far the best”

    First of all, I’d like to thank the Magento team for your efforts in developing this open source software which will surely become a market leader in the eCommerce CMS playing field. I have developed web sites with Joomla’s Virtuemart, ZenCart, Shopify (commercial) and OsCommerce. Magento is by far the best. I have to admit that encountered a few problems at first, some of them crippled my installation completely and had to re-install Magento twice. Magento’s architecture seems tricky at


  • CRE Loaded Ecommerce Software Releases Free ZenCart to CRE Loaded Database Conversion Tool


  • MagentoCommerce: eCommerce the Web 2.0 way

    This project is still in preview mode but it is already a great product with most of the plain lame things we would like to have in osCommerce, Zen-Cart and the likes.Check it out!


  • Varien Announces Magento, a Ground Breaking Open Source eCommerce Platform

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  • Wednesday, February 25, 2009

    Competition Analysis for the Selection of Shopping Carts


    Currently there are some mainstream open source shopping carts there: magento, oscommerce, CRE Loaded, Zen-cart, Opencart, Prestashop, and two CMS+shopping carts: joomla & virtuemart, and drupal & ecommerce.

    It is important to know when selecting your shopping cart what features you need. All the shopping carts below feature the following:

    · Customer management

    · Product management

    · Variety of payment and shipping modules

    · Order receipt emails

    · Ability to use SSL secure layers for ordering process

    However the shopping carts vary when it comes to:

    · Time it takes to modify the cart to look like a current web design

    · WYSIWYG ability to modify product descriptions using different fonts, colors, etc.

    · Ability to import/export from Excel spreadsheet

    · Wholesale/Reseller Pricing

    Before choosing the right one, you need to do a competition analysis  to measure the strengths and weaknesses of your business, current competitors and potential competitors.  The analysis helps a business assess opportunities and threats as well as providing help creating business strategies, including the implementation and monitoring of them, to select the right tool, shopping cart, to enhance your online business.

    Make sure you know your targeted features of shopping carts  before beginning a competition analysis. The solid base of information that comes from a strong competitive analysis can provide insights to your product and positioning, and help you determine which areas in your market you can succeed the most as well as what places you shouldn’t worry about. And that is one of the best ways to successfully choose a suitable shopping cart.

    Sunday, February 22, 2009

    oscommerce, magento, prestashop, zencart: the latter, the better




    Want to know which one is a favorite Open Source e-commerce solution? Here are some first hand experience and feedbacks.
    That’s true about Magento that it is pretty slow and needs to lessen its demand on resources though.  Prestashop just released v 1.1! Its in beta but has some much needed features added, but still lacks some much needed features/add-ons and doesn’t have a very big/active user community.

    ZenCart vs PrestaShop is a difficult comparison. Not because they are similar, they are not, but because they both have different qualities.

    I think Zen Cart is great but has its flaws and its Admin is difficult for users. ZenCart is mature. If you go on their forums you will find a rich mine of information. Modules are a plenty, skins too, and you’ll find no end of expertise to help you out.

    PrestaShop on the other hand is the new kid on the block, but what an entrance. It’s switch, it’s cool, it’s got Ajax and DHTML big time…  Some might call that Web 2.0, they do. On the back end it is simpler, mostly because it has less options, but that can be a good thing. What it lacks is a good user base. The forums often don’t hold the answer, and modules are a bit thin on the ground. Especially when looking at payment systems.

    PrestaShop's lovely client experience makes it more than makes up for other sins, since after all, beauty is king. In addition, I feel that this is a well cared for product, with a rapidly growing community. It won’t be long before its shortfalls against ZenCart dis-appear, and we are left with nothing but positives.

    In addtion, affiliate programs are a must. Magento still doesn’t have a built-in means of offering an affiliate program. Some of the others at least provide plug-in capabilities for this.

    In summary, Magento is a slow dog and Pretashop is way too new with not enough features, oscommerce is too old and to die, and zencart is an adult in the prime of life.

    I am very curious to see the new version of zen cart! people on demo said it is very promising and their experience gives a huge advantage against others i think!

    Friday, February 13, 2009

    cj, clickbank, shareasale and linkshare affiliate link click-thru tracking tips


    While doing affiliate programs such as cj, clickbank, shareasale and linkshare, Click throughs earn you income. 

    To maximize click throughs, of course, you know that you must find out highvalue content that OVERdelivers what your visitors were looking for, tracking these affiliate links is one of the solutions out there.

    cj: commission junction

    we can track's click through by sending them SID value.


    Clickbank affiliates can track conversions to improve affiliate marketing income, and not have to ask the merchant to add a bunch of code to their website!

    Clickbank tracking works simply by placing the following after you affiliate URL.  ?tid=keyword You can substitute “keyword” for any eight characters containing alpha or numeric values. You should make this identifier a unique value for each keyword.  When you make a sale using this method, Clickbank will display which identifier resulted in the sale.


    AffTrack ID: ShareASale has a parameter called "afftrack=" which can be used to identify a specific click, if your site can insert an appropriate ID (click ID, user ID) to pass as a parameter.
    tracking affiliate links through SAS. You need to append 'afftrack=' value and the destination url.


    LinkShare Tracking does not rely on cookies to track affiliate referrals. There is direct communication between the Merchant and LinkShare, and the web browser does not present an additional potential point of failure.

    The exposure of cookies to browser behavior is nothing new. The industry has long recognised the risks of cookie deletion as a result of:
    • Browser privacy and security settings
    • Anti-Spyware program/s
    • Anti-Virus programs
    • Users manually clearing their cookies
    LinkShare’s patented tracking remains the most reliable and secure in the Affiliate Marketing industry.

    Some LinkShare (LS) RSS Merchant Review


    Linkshare affiliates can find a list of RSS data feeds in the new publisher dashboard. Go to Links > Data Feeds and select RSS Data Feeds.

    Linkshare can also find all of them in the old interface:
    FeedSynergy-> RSS Data Feed
    But actually most of them are not very up to date.

    Merchant name: EastBay
    RSS Title: Eastbay Deals and Coupons
    Review: promotions way out of date like this one (valid 4.9.07-4.28.07.)
    Merchant name:
    RSS Title: Monthly Promotions
    Review: No expiry dates listed although I can see they were created way back in july.
    Merchant name: Diamonds International
    RSS Title: Diamonds International Deals and Coupons
    Review: Good to see expiry dates listed and promotions up to date


    Merchant name: ESPN Shop
    RSS Title: ESPNShop Promotions and Coupons
    Review: promotions don't seem to get updated, here is an example of what they are offering in December: ESPNShop

    Mother's Day Sale
    Merchant name: Forzieri
    RSS Title: Forzieri Long Term Coupons
    Review: promotions never updated, about as bad as it gets, check this example of what they have to offer affiliates: $10 Off all Orders Over $125 at Forzieri. Expires: Sept 1st 2007  (Don't all rush to add this)

    Unfortunately, there are reports about the instability of linkshare datafeed files, the files were corrupt when they were unzipped a couple of product datafeeds from Linkshare

    Monday, February 9, 2009

    Free CBTopSites Clickbank Mall Makes Online Money Easy



    From now you can make more money with your free CBTopSites Clickbank Mall.

    They have introduced some very useful improvements to your Mall.

    1) Most popular products in your Mall are displayed using ‘Most
    Popular’ link in the Menu of each page.

    You can promote this link :

    Please remember to replace YourClickBankNickname with your own clickbank nickname.

    This link displays the most popular products from all the categories.

    2) Keyword Links for sites in your Mall are displayed as ‘Related
    3) Category links for each site in your Mall are displayed as ‘Related Categories’.
    4) All sub-categories are displayed in the right column of inner pages of your Mall.

    These improvements motivate visitors to explore your Mall better than before and help to make more sales. These and many other previous improvements has made CBTopSites’ ClickBank Mall the best on the net - far better than CBMall in my opinion.

    I wish you all success and hope you make lots of money.

    Clickbank Ads (CBAds) vs. Google Adsense



    There are many methods to make money online, but the easiest method is to earn money by displaying Google Adsense Ads. Agreed it is the most dominant contextual advertising program, but it has some limitations too, for example

    1. The website/blog should be approved by Google and adhere to its terms and conditions.

    2. Abide the restrictions on the Ad placement

    3. You do not have power to mange the Ad.

    4. Awarded only for clicks but not for the sale made through clicks

    5. You receive only a few cents per click and thus a low income

    6. Most important, to get a minimum of $100, you need to have thousands of Adsense clicks

    So, utilizing the Ads concept, a new form of high earning potential ClickBank Ads were designed. These CBAds have remarkable features and are much efficient in terms of earning power, for example

    1. You are awarded with full affiliate commission rather than pay per click for any sale

    2. The affiliate commission ranges upto 75% of the product price, so you can make good money.

    3. You have a perfect control over the Ads displayed.

    4. There are no restrictions for Ads placement.

    5. You have the flexibility to display the Ads depending upon your choice of keywords.

    So you are the boss of your Ads, you can customize your ads as per your choice. You have the full control over the Ad content too. Apart from that you can even change the format to suit your needs.

    In summary, why to waste your traffic in accumulating just cents from Google Adsense? Make thousands of dollars with it. Signup ClickBank Ads and keep the 100% of the profits made through your efforts.

    Sunday, February 8, 2009

    Magento Open Source Shopping Cart with Affiliate Program



    Are you looking to setup your own Affiliate Program for something that you are selling online? Well if you are willing to use the new and slick Magento open source shopping cart,  there is a free and open source solution for you for creating your own affiliate program. It’s a component for Magento called Affiliates For All and it’s completely free and open source.

    Affiliates for All is highly configurable. You can set:

        * a fixed commission rate or a percentage,
        * the affiliate cookie lifetime,
        * the currency, and
        * whether commission is paid for the life of a customer or just for the first order.

    Some other really cool features to take note of are:

       1. Affiliates for All will (optionally) email affiliates with details of new orders and approved commissions.
       2. Affiliates for All provides your affiliates with many reporting features. They can see graphs of orders and revenue over time. They can view and download lists of orders. If you want to, you can pass customer names and email addresses to the referring affiliates, allowing for further marketing efforts.
       3. Affiliates for All has a user interface similar to Google Mail. Just like Google Mail, this is achieved with AJAX, but you can use Affiliates for All without understanding the details.

    This is a really cool open source application, similar to which you will not find anywhere! There just is not really any good open source affiliate applications out there. And this one appears that it could eventually stand head and shoulders above the rest.

    Google Adsense Wins Affiliate Programs for Online Money Make



    What are the Google Adsense success secrets that other successful webmasters use to make some great money with their website? Because the Adsense™ program displays advertisements that are so closely related to the website content, it is advantageous to webmasters because the advertisements are actually of interest to website visitors. Adsense will automatically generate ads related to your topic and advertise these on your site.

    Just note, however, that while this was especially true a couple of years ago, the prevalence of garbage made-for-Adsense type of sites to try and register a domain name with keywords in have led to this factor being overused and abused. Ways to make money from Adsense by Using Articles and a Viral Marketing Website Any online marketing technique that involves the use of referral marketing or viral marketing automatically has a huge chance of being a success. You can also login on to You should remember that you will have to churn out articles fairly regularly to keep your safe lists well fed and the traffic flowing to your Adsense sites.

    4 Ways to Make Money Online from Contents



    The content is the main factor for which people come to visit your site. If the content is good and offers some value to the readers, then they will come back again or otherwise they will leave for good.

    Here are the four ways to make money online from Content. You can combine them to generate your own ways.

    1) Blogging

    Difficulty: Easy
    Cost: None

    Blog as a content model is very good and easy to start with. You can create blogs within seconds. There are free blogs available such as wordpress, blogger which can be set up within seconds. Start a blog on a topic that you like and we can keep writing on it. However you should read some good blogs before starting it. Read ProBlogger by Darren Rowse - this can help you to start at a better note.

    2) Informational Sites

    Difficulty: Easy - Medium
    Cost: None

    Creating a resource site is little harder than starting a blog. Resource sites are sites which contains static pages on a particular topic which contains huge amount of information about a topic. A resource site will contain almost all the information about a particular topic.

    3) Forums

    Difficulty: Medium
    Cost: None

    Forums are the places where people discuss about a topic or area. Creating a forum is easier with many forum creating software available on the net. It is easy to create but difficult to maintain and grow it. Forums are places where people register and become a member. It depends on people to grow in popularity and traffic. It is very good fro the point of view of traffic because members visit the forum many times in one day. Everything depends on how popular your forum is.

    4) Affiliate Services

    Difficulty: Hard
    Cost: Medium - High

    This business is great if you can find out something/sites that acts as an affiliates between two systems or two types of users. These types of content models get two types of clients- the users and the sellers. Some of the good examples are ClickBank and other affiliate marketplaces, eBay, advertising companies etc. This is relatively hard to start because it needs programming skills and good startup money. However the return is more in these types of models

    Google Adsense Online Earnings vs. Affiliate Programs Online Money Make




    There are debating on whether or not to add adsense ads to online money make site which features links to sites which are affiliated with.

    Many affiliate marketers today have realized quickly that in some circumstances, google adsense may make you more money than your affiliate programs. Under the following situations where Google Adsense code if placed on your website can actually make more money for you as oppose to a mere affiliate program link.

    1. Not all keyword niches have affiliate programs, in contrast, Google Adsense with its millions of advertisers will likely have advertisers who are interested in your current market.

    2. Adsense uses contextual advertising Every Niche website even no matter how specialized will face a problem, while affiliate product may not be spot onto the content for that page.

    3.  Dead Affiliate links caused by not quite often updates by affiliate marketing managers. Google Adsense changes with respect to your webpages content and being totally externally driven will have no faulty links so you get paid from each and every clickthrough.

    Finally, a tip for people to choose between adsense and affiliate programs for online money make is if your site attracts a lot of international visitors adsense can also be a benefit. Google displays advertisements based on geographic location of the website visitors so you might be able to generate profit in countries which would not have been possible with static affiliate links.

    Friday, February 6, 2009

    Adsense vs affiliate programs vs clickbank



    People always ask what is better for sites to make more money: adsense, affiliate programs, or clickbank?

    Well the answer is: why stops you from using both (adsense and clickbank/regular affiliate programs). There is always better to monetize your traffic using more methods.

    According to online survey, adsense is the best, they pay good if you have good CTR,  Lets say you get a better return on adsense, i would then say focus 80% of your ads using adsense and continue to experiment with the remainder 20% - as you never know when affiliate marketing may be better than adsense. sometimes you can see trends for example Travel, affiliate marketing may be better Jan to April but after this adsense may be better.

    The last tip is that if you wanna make money with adsense, your site content should be updated frequently. If you make money with clickbank and other affiliate programs, you should write a landing page, and then promote the landing page.

    In summary, you can make split tests and see which one performs better, check your data regularly and wherever you are making a better ROI.

    The spider process and site architecture SEO



    There are a number of site building decisions that can impact your success with search engines. Let's take a look at several important areas.

    Search engines index pages depending on how a site is built and the value it provides to certain audiences or visitors. Search engine spiders crawl the Web and include web pages they find relevant within their search engine index.

    According to some industry watchers, search engines actually index only about 20% of most websites' content. If that estimate is true, then:
    You want your website to be above average in terms of indexing and;
    You need internal links from those pages that the spiders are picking up to other important pages within your site.

    Domain name
    Your domain name is your first opportunity to make a good impression and invite people to look at your site. If at all possible, your domain name should be short, should not include hyphens or numbers, should be a .com (rather than a .net or .biz) or country specific (for example, should describe your business in terms of keywords. (Read our article on domain names to learn more about this subject.) By the way, since Google gives more worthiness points to domain names that have been around longer, because spammers buy domain names for short periods then abandon them, be sure to purchase your domain name for a multi-year period. It's not terribly expensive and makes your site look like it's here for the long run.

    Home Page
    Your home page is typically the landing page for most viewers. This means that your home page needs to do a lot of heavy lifting to attract your viewers to move deeper into your site. Your home page should contain links to all of the other major areas of your site. Even if you operate an ecommerce site, don't fall into the trap of making your homepage into your store. Remember that when users get to your store, you want to convert them to buyers. You may need to use one strategy to get a high page ranking for your home page and a different strategy to create conversions.

    You should have the standard links to about us, contact and site map in place on the home page and every page then expand on those links with a clear picture of your site's offerings. For example, if you sell management software, you may want to have home page links to client case studies, products, technical specs, resources, blog and so on. Your resources link might have a drop down menu with choices such as technical articles and industry news.

    It's important that your site presents as attractive, professional and appealing to viewers. Although spiders can't 'see' your pages' appearance, other website managers can and you'll be less likely to attract high quality links if your site doesn't present well. Additionally search engines are increasing storing data on your visitors' usage of your site: the more visitors use your site, the higher your site's perceived usefulness, the higher your rankings.

    Blog content
    Blogs are a great way to add quality content quickly. Each blog looks like a new page to the spider. Therefore, by actively blogging, your site will be identified as having a good supply of fresh content as the spiders pass by and sample your site over time.

    Bottom line
    Fill your site with interesting content, make it appealing to look at and build sensible navigation paths to all of the information.


    Search tails
    Most people optimise their homepages for the more general keywords and keyword clusters. For example, if you sell garden plants, you will probably be using keywords and clusters such as garden, plants, gardening, greenhouse and cultivate. However, these words are so general that while they may bring traffic to your site, they're far less likely to convert to a sale. These words are often referred to as the 'head' words of a search. The words that tend to create conversion are most often the 'tail' words, those words that narrow a search down to a much more specific product. If you optimise your home page using 'head' words, you can draw viewers to conversion pages by links that contain 'tail' words such as water plants or even more narrow, pond lilies.

    Thursday, January 15, 2009

    10 Steps to Prepare SEO Friendly Open Source Drupal Site



    Drupal is adequate for SEO, with a few added modules configured correctly, it is extremely powerful.

    1. Enable Clean URLs
    2. Enable Path Module and install and enable Pathauto, Global Redirect and Token Modules.
    3. Configure the Pathauto Module
    4. Install and enable the Meta Tags Module.
    5. Install enable the Page Title Module
    6. Do NOT install the Drupal Sitemap Module.
    7. Fix .htaccess to redirect to "www" or remove the "www" subdomain.
    8. Fix your theme's HTML headers if they aren't right
    9. Recommended: create a custom front page
    10. Modify robots.txt file.

    Monday, January 12, 2009

    6 Steps for Best Your E-commerce Shopping Cart Sites



    Most of the E-commerce shopping cart sites on the internet are based on content management systems, example osCommerce, magento, Zen Cart, opencart, etc. this means: URLs and pages are dynamically generated by the scripting language fetching all elements from the database. To improve for these e-commerce shopping cart sites:

    1. Designing for Success

    - The top 100 eTailers prefer a 2 column, centered designed. The next most common design is 2 column, left justified design. However, there is no one size fits all solution. You have to test to see what converts best for your product.
    For instance, make sure your proceed to checkout buttons are highlighted and easy to find. Make sure you have contact information easy to find, same for shipping info.

    2. Be an expert of your products.

    You know so much more about your products than your customers do, and in general retailers aren't doing a good job conveying their knowledge to their users. Offer your opinions on your products. Offer testimonials. Tell the users what to buy.

    3. Make Buying Simple

    -- Show progress
    -- Eliminate distractions
    -- Reduce shopping cart abandonment
    -- Relay error messages in a friendly, useful manner.

    Single page checkouts often help conversions by reducing distractions and generally making the process more simple and quicker.

    4. Internal Site Search

    It's not an option, it's a requirement. Make sure your site search is displaying relevant results. Check the Google Analytics site search report. People that utilize site search convert at a rate 5 times higher than other visitors. If you're not doing your site search well, then don't make it prominent.

    5. Internal SEO for:

    -- Internal Linking
    -- Header Tags
    -- Page Titles
    -- Anchor Text
    -- Image Optimization

    6. Pay attention to your off-page SEO.

    Increase your inbound links through:

    -- Online Press Releases ( is used as an example)
    -- Directory submissions
    -- Blogging/Link Baiting
    -- Shopping Feeds (make sure you optimize your data feeds)

    Features to Decide before Selecting Open Source Shopping Cart



    All open source shopping cart software offerings have unique features about them which make them more or less useful, depending on your needs as an online marketer.

    The following is a list of shopping cart features that you should consider as you decide which cart to use as the platform for your online money make website.

    • Discount coupons
    • Affiliate programs
    • Gift certificates
    • Automatic postage calculations (such as with UPS, FedEx, USPS)
    • International postage calculations (in real time)
    • Order-taking options (through the website, over the phone, fax)
    • Detailed statistics (who came to the site? How did they get there?)
    • Flexibility with taxes (state, international, multiple taxes)
    • Credit card payment options (Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, etc)
    • Multiple payment options (Credit Card, PayPal, C.O.D., paper invoice, purchase order, charge to telephone)
    • Real-time credit card processing
    • Electronic gateway options (such as Authorizenet, Verisign, Bank of America,...)
    • Multiple currency displays (Selling to Canada? Show the prices in Canadian dollars)
    • Recurring billing (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
    • Digital delivery (for e-books and other e-files)
    • Bulk purchase discounting
    • Recognition of repeat customers and customer-sign in
    • Automatic confirmation emails
    • Automated "lost password" recovery
    • Newsletter sign-ups
    • In-site search engine
    • Detailed sales reports (to the extent of cost versus price)
    • Integration with sales software (such as Quickbooks)
    • Security issues (such as forbidding orders from a Yahoo account)
    • Gift wrapping option
    • Multiple products options (such as color, size, style)

    Saturday, January 10, 2009

    Online Money Make Affiliate Marketing Network Classification (Part 2)



    Part 1 can be found here.

    If the classification is based on the online money earning types of the affiliate network, the most basic affiliate marketing programs, however, falls under two categories: pay-per-click (PPC), and pay-per-performance (PPP).

    1. PPC - Pay Per Click is a highly promoted and used affiliate marketing method by affiliates with no websites or small websites. This is also the easiest way for them to start making money. Under this method of affiliate marketing, the affiliate is paid a commission by the merchant when a visitor visits the merchant’s site through the affiliate’s reference, that is, whenever a visitor clicks and goes to the merchant’s site through the banner or text ads that the affiliate has put up. Pay Per Click method is basically used to capitalize on the traffic that arrives at the affiliate’s site and the affiliate facilitates the flow of these traffic from the affiliate’s site to the merchant’s site and the affiliate gets paid for this effort. The merchant’s product or services need not be purchased by the visitor, who is referred by the affiliate, for him to earn his compensation from the merchant. However, compensation for each click under PPC affiliate programs are quite small, usually in the range of 10 cents to 1 dollar.

    2. PPP - Pay Per Performance affiliate marketing is the darling among merchants and is also the most sought after type by the affiliates. Under this type of affiliate program, the affiliate is paid a commission only when his referral performs an action - that is the visitor that he has referred should actually purchase a product or service from the merchant’s site or when the visitor is converted to a lead for the merchant. For the merchant, this translates into a lot of cost and resource savings in terms of his own direct marketing efforts. Also, this type of affiliate marketing is highly lucrative and most rewarding for the dedicated affiliate, since commissions in PPP affiliate marketing usually is in the range of 15% to 20% of the actual product sales. And, in the case of e-products or e-goods, the merchant may offer a commission as high as 70 - 75% of the sale price to the affiliates.

    A further classification of Pay-per-performance affiliate marketing can be done into two types: pay-per-sales (PPS) and pay-per-lead (PPL). Both these are very popular:

    a) Pay Per Sale (PPS) - In a pay-per-sale type of affiliate marketing, the affiliates get commission from the merchants whenever the affiliate is successful in converting the visitor into a purchaser from the merchant’s site. Affiliates are generally paid on percentage basis, although some merchants may opt to pay a fixed fee. But, whichever method is adopted, percentage or fixed, it is generally much higher than the fee paid to affiliates in a pay-per-click marketing methods.

    b) Pay Per Lead (PPL) - The pay-per-lead type of affiliate marketing is a slight variation of the PPS type and is often used by insurance and finance companies and other companies who rely on leads for their company to grow. In this type of affiliate marketing, the affiliate is paid whenever the visitor he referred to the merchant’s site fills up an application form or any similar form related to the business of the company. Compensation for this type of affiliate marketing is based on a fixed fee whose rates approximate that of the fixed fee in the PPS type. Generally, the sales conversion rate is the highest in the case of PPL, because, the visitor is not required to purchase anything but only complete a non-financial transaction, like, filling up an application form, subscribing to a newsletter, etc.

    Every affiliate marketer has to try out various methods and decide which works best for him. He should then concentrate on those affiliate marketing methods which is suitable for his style of online business building.

    Online Money Make Affiliate Marketing Network Classification (Part 1)


    If the classification is based on the depth of the affiliate network, it can be classified as single-tier, two-tier, and multi-tier affiliate marketing. There is a type of affiliate marketing that pays the affiliate every time the customer he has referred purchases an item from the merchant’s site sometimes the merchant extending recognition for affiliate loyalties to a lifetime arrangement.

    Single-Tier, Two-Tier, and Multi-Tier Affiliate Marketing

    These types of affiliate marketing are based on various levels or tiers in the affiliate network by which payments are made.

    A) Single Tier - In a single-tier affiliate marketing program, the affiliates are paid based on the direct sales or traffic he has referred to the merchant. Most of the time, unless specified, all the affiliate marketing types mentioned earlier (i.e. PPS, PPL, and PPC) fall under the single-tier classification.

    B) Two Tier - In two-tier affiliate marketing programs, the affiliates are not only paid for the direct traffic or sales that he brings to the merchant’s site, but also on every traffic or sales referred by other affiliates who joined as sub-affiliate of the above affiliate marketer.

    C) Multi Tier - Multi-tier affiliate marketing works the same way, although the affiliate gets additional commission for more number of levels of affiliates in different tiers in the affiliate network.

    D) Residual Income Affiliate Marketing - In this type, the affiliate gets paid for every customer he has referred to the merchant’s site. Additionally, the affiliate is also paid whenever the customer he has referred goes back to the merchant’s site and purchases another product. Commission for such type of affiliate marketing is based on either percentage of sales or based on fixed fee.

    Every affiliate marketer finds that these different affiliate marketing methods work differently for each of them. For instance, multi tier affiliate marketing, also called Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is a highly difficult type of internet marketing and it does not work for everyone. As a matter of fact, many legitimate marketers consider MLM as illegal or something which is undesirable.

    Part 2 Can be found here.

    Online Money Make/Earn for Hong Kong People (Part 2)


    Part 1 can be found here.

    Below stated would be suitable for hong kong people who want to earn and make money online either at home, after working hour, or even while you are working in the office, your earning project are still running at the back.

    Zero Cost and Earning from hk$1 to hk$1,xxx.00+, zero cost, no hosting, no domain payment fees, only your electric bills and phone bills count, unless you want to have it running in a Cybercafe near your house, or Coffee Bean with free wi-fi.

    With Zero cost, Free blogging services like,, and many others more, you can signup for a free blogging space, with your own name that you want, but of coarse provided the name wasn’t taken by others and with their free service domain name at the back like, or

    After signup, you can post or blog anything that you want, write something about your interesting life, or even something you like to share about around the world, gadgets that you’ve recently bought, and all these are topics or post that you can actually write about.

    For Zero and Low Cost input, with lower earning or higher earning with risk. If you wouldn’t want to do all the above mentioned category, and all you just want is online earning, and do less work, you can try out some of the website which is paying member to visit/browse a website, pay to read email, pay to click website and pay to search. These service is easy but have some risk of not getting paid or even getting your information exposed because you need to enter your personal details of receive payment in method like check or virtual money. Not all website like this, some really do pay their member.

    For Low and High Cost input, with lower earning or higher earning. Shopping cart-like, or bidding and auction website, is one good website for those who doesn’t want to type a lot, and doesn’t want to spend time blogging nor want to have a domain. These website like and are indeed a very good tools for hong kong people who want to earn some money by selling and buying things.

    For example, at you can actually look for those unique stuff which is either second hand or used items, and if you think they can be worth more, try buy it back with low cost, and try selling it again after a period of time, if you are lucky enough, you might earn 100% of what you’ve paid for. And if you have some friends and you, yourself, have some items which you no longer used or haven’t use, you can also try selling or auction it there, to earn some extra. Not only items that you have, you can also try source out items which is rare or order items from a shop having a dealer price, and try selling the items there. This way, you can have your online shop without a real shop locally. For some reason, there are hong kong people that write an ebook about some guide, or story, and sell it online via these type of services, or some even draw art to sell their arts online here, and its free.

    There are many more method of earning and making money online, and these are some of them, and again, the method mentioned above may not or won’t have any guarantee of 100% work, but something you will know, and at least you can try to your business online. Previously, I did mentioned to a friend of mine, about selling or having a business using method no.2, and till date, he is still doing the same thing, at home. He is able to work with this method till date, is not because of what I’ve told him, it is because he himself, know at least how to twist turn using the method to make money online.

    Online Money Make/Earn For Hong Kong People (Part 1)


    How to make and earn money online for hong kong people whom are working at home and working at daytime, but want some extra income on night time? A question asked from a friend of mine via MSN. For some of us out there with experience over the internet, it would be easy to answer yourself with this question, but for some reason, those that have not really go into making money online life via internet marketing, he would try to search high and low for answers, some say this will work and some say by doing this it won’t.

    Many people are going into the internet marketing industry dreaming to be a millionaire overnight. While this is a true statement that you will be rich “overnight” literally, but the learnings and failures before this are what most people can’t see.

    This gives opportunities for the con men to pull their scams right in front of your eyes and yet there’re still many people believing in them wanting to make easy money.

    You’ve got to realize that internet marketing is just another business model that everyone else is having. You will need great determination, persistence, and efforts in order to pull this off and get rich.

    If you are among one of them that’s thinking, “Oh, working over the internet is just as simple as eating a pie” “Oh, I’m pretty good over IT stuff it’s simple!” then you’re very wrong. Internet is one place where zillions of information are running across everyday, and you’ll easily get lost not knowing what is the next step.

    However, internet marketing does offer you a lot of advantages, the most common one is that you need only little to none money to start your business, and that you can work less for more each day because you’re leveraging the internet to do the selling for you.

    This is the very main reason where most people fail in internet marketing, they have the misconception that internet marketing is the easy way out with huge commission checks come rolling into you, and you don’t need to learn the way of how this business works, don’t need to put in effort etc.

    But as the matter of fact, you will need to really understand everything within the industry to make things “click”. When everything starts “clicking”, then you’ll know you’ve “got” it and there is where you start to do less for more, and wait for the checks coming in.

    Part 2 can be found here.