
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Affiliate Marketing cj Earning Method



There are ways to earn by using affiliate program such as cj (commission junction).  First you need a cj account and a few active advertisers.

So, we start by pulling up the advertiser list in cj, then we scan down the column looking for every advertiser that has a product catalog. Click the check box next to each of them and click apply. Some will decline you, some will moderate you, and some will accept you no questions asked.

The next part is simple. We buy 30 or 40 inexpensive .info domains. (they can easily be had for under a dollar a piece).

We now fire up and load a couple of these domains into the system. From here we click the keywords link and specifically the cj scraper tool link. Enter the product catalog url for the cj affiliate we want to build a site for, then click go and sit back. Then scrape the product names and url's for each product in the merchants catalog (up to 1000 at a time). We then builds search engine optimized pages for each product.

That's it. Get a couple backlinks to our newly built pages, then move on to the next merchant.

I usually put up 3-5 domains full of products for each new affiliate I am testing. Once they start converting I build up to 50 domains for each one to maximize earnings.

You can also use Blog and ping for backlinks. You can also post links in directories or on .edu sites (I usually blog/ping, and get links from .edu sites personally), and both of those are built into the software. You can also interlink some of your sites together to build a stronger network. The sites sending the traffic may only last a few months in the search engines, but in that time they may each make you several hundred dollars making your ROI very high.

Somebody have been doing the above for over 3 years now. This can be applied to any affiliate program or data feed out there. You can even use it on your own white hat sites that are in need of some fresh traffic.