
Monday, December 22, 2008

The Process for Developing Social Media Campaign, Social Media Marketing and Optimization




Social media campaign, Social Media Marketing and Social Media Optimization can effectively leverage social networks to get your message in front of the right people:

Attain maximum social media penetration by entering targeted and large sites for exposure of your brand.
Attain valuable inbound hyperlinks built around the main website homepage and interior pages.
Drive traffic, bookmarks, and word of mouth buzz.

What can a successful social media marketing campaign do for your Internet Marketing campaigns?

    * Increase Brand Awareness with Brand Engagement – more pages viewed.
    * Generate Publicity, positive buzz and word of mouth.
    * Deliver high amounts of traffic to the website.
    * Convert visitors to buyers of products and services.
    * Generate strong inbound link generation which may boost organic search engine rankings over the long term.
    * Facilitate excellent ROI on internet marketing when maximum exposure is reached.

The process for developing a social media campaign, social media marketing and optimization include:

    * Team brainstorms with the client to come up with relevant concepts.
    * Topic and concept approach finalized agreed by all.
    * Assign article copywriting to client and/or some Partner Network
    * Draft reviewed / revised if necessary
    * Client approves final copy
    * Webpage Design and Creative layout - necessary graphics and media insertions.
    * Client approves layout in final
    * Upload link-bait content to website
    * Revision instructions after upload
    * Submission and Promotion to Social Media News Sites, followed by submissions and tagging on StumbleUpon, and niche social media sites.
    * Tracking and reporting - traffic and link building monitoring

Social media Campaign, social media marketing and social media optimization need to use tracking to determine the success of the strategy. The track data we look at are:

site traffic and user/visitor signals like increased inbound hyper-links, RSS subscriptions, email sign-ups and page views, New unique visitors translate to lasting positive impressions, word of mouth, email and link forwards, buzz and sales.