
Saturday, December 20, 2008

More Than One Lead Forms Drive Affiliate Lead Generation



For online money mark marketers in the online marketing world, one effective way for them is that they must drive leads through their sites to generate more traffic for affiliate programs, so as to earn more online money.

Unfortunately, many sites still link to one lead form on the site. A better way is to consider placing lead forms in several places on the site. Providing lead forms on each product/service pages and on other key pages allows you to track where the lead form was filled out and provides a helpful nugget of data for the sales team as they contact that lead.

For one of our clients we have helped deliver exceptional ROI by providing 2 lead generation forms on the primary lead generation page.

An A/B test (Google website optimizer) can be a very useful tool to compare the performance of different webforms:

Form 1 asks the visitor for minimal information, so that they can get back to doing their job quickly, whilst our client receives just enough information to begin the sales process with them.

Form 2 asks for much more detailed information from the visitor about their requirements. This provides benefits to both visitor and client - the visitor gains full confidence that the company they are contacting have taken full consideration of the type of order information they would like to provide, and the company get much more qualified leads which drastically speed up the sales process.

By presenting these 2 alternatives to the visitor they simply need to choose which form fits their time constraints and general requirements, and away they go. Even if they choose the basic form, they are aware of the type of detail that the company is looking for in the more in-depth form, which again reflects positively on our clients understanding of their customers wants and needs.