
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Online Money Make by Pay Per Lead and adwords PPC



It is good for the companies to have right strategies for online advertising procedure and Pay Per Lead Advertising should be the best choice for them.

Leads are referred as little information like email address or demographic information provided by a customer to a website. We often find affiliate websites promoting the products or selling the products or booking orders. However, these affiliate websites get paid by their clients only when they make or book a sale by their own websites.

This process of paying money to the affiliates is known as PPL. It is regarded as the best form of payment procedure as the clients pay commission to affiliates on the basis of pay per sale.  PPL is also known as CPL(Cost Per Lead).

A lot of lead generation companies are using adwords pay per click search to gather their leads. With the adwords PPC algorithms placing more and more importance on Quality Scores, they need to pay close attention to your ads. Doubling and tripling your quality traffic can do the same for your number of leads. And, it can lower your adwords CPC (costs per click) in the process.

But don’t stop there, look at your landing pages (the pages where you send your pay per click traffic). Are the contact forms too busy or too buried? Is your phone number buried? There are ton of things you can do to convert leads at a higher rate.

Fine tuning your landing pages will lower your adwords ppc first, and finally lower your cost per lead. We’ve seen small changes double conversions and drop your costs per lead in half.