
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Most Profitable Way to Do Online Money Making Business



The biggest principle in marketing to make money online or offline is: Building Relationships.

In the business world, what happened here is a form of "Interruption Marketing," a term coined by an Internet marketing pioneer Seth Godin, in his book, "Permission Marketing." Godin estimates that the average American is exposed to over 3,000 advertising messages every day, so many darned ads that we just ignore most of them.

And what do advertisers do when we ignore their ads? They do ANYTHING they can to get our attention. From turning up the volume when their commercial comes on, to making fun of cavemen and getting geckos to talk about car insurance. And what do we do when they do that? We usually do ANYTHING we can to avoid 'em.

The problem with Internet marketers is that they usually bypass the entire process of building trust with their prospects and instead pounce on them, going straight for selling their products to customers. Most of those Internet ads take you to a web site where you get to see all the benefits of instantly "marrying" the products.

This just proves why 'Interruption Marketing' doesn't work. It fails because the focus is entirely on the marketer's agenda and shows no interest in the prospects or what the CUSTOMERS want and need.

What's a better approach? Well, Let's pretend for a moment that you don't really care whether or not your prospect joins your business...If they feel like you're there to help them instead of sell them, they'll usually respond favorably. Relax, and let things flow naturally.

Online money makers need to in a relationship-building process based on mutual respect for customers' needs, wants, and desires. They'll learn about online customers' tastes, interests, dreams, and plans for the future. A few months later customers might know enough to decide if they're ready for the big commitment of spending money on your site. By the way, that's the most profitable way to do online money making business! Having customers for life.