
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lead Generation is Not Only Relying on Contact Form



These days, every online money make marketer is looking to the web. "How can we use the web to get more lead generation?" is the question everyone is asking. 

It's common that the conversation always starts with "How do I get more qualified visitors to my website?"

However, the question that every online money make marketer forgets to ask is, "How can I convert more of my site visitors to qualified leads?"

Then the question turns to "How are you capturing leads on your website now?"

80% of the time, the answer is "Did you see our contact form?"

For some reason, people are really proud of their contact form. Unfortunately for them, that's not usually working and that's why we're talking.

The low hanging fruit for improving the performance of any online money make website is to have:

1) great free educational offers like white papers, ebooks and webinars
2) better calls to action and
3) optimized landing pages. 

You need to create lots of ways that site visitors will be encouraged to share their contact information long before they're ready to buy (or even talk to you). Remember, if the site visitors like to share with you, then there is a chance that they would like to be captured by you and become your lead generation.