
Friday, December 5, 2008

Anayltics and Mesurement of Affiliate Marketing Tips



1. When you join a affiliate marketing program do your research and be on the lookout for scam artists. These companies can track every sale you made, if the company you are joining can’t do this then you will have to track the sales yourself, which is very hard and will lead to lost commissions for you.

2. If you are planning to build a long range affiliate marketing program then you need to look at the long term horizons of your business. It is very important to build a network of other affiliate marketing experts. By building a network you can easily stay on top of what other successful team leaders in your network are doing. By staying in the loop you can save time and money but focusing your efforts on what works and not wasting them on useless endeavors.

3. When someone visits your website for your affiliate marketing program your goal should be to turn a reluctant buyer into a paying customer. The best way to do that is to educate every visitor to your site. This is a great way to capture leads. Your website should point out why they need your program and then point out how easy it is to get started if you know what you are doing. For those that don’t know what they are doing all they have to do is sign up to your free report to learn how. Providing free information to help your visitors learn will increase your conversion process. Once you have them on your email list you can educate them until they are ready to buy or join your affiliate marketing program.

4. One of the most successful ways to build your affiliate marketing business is to capture names and contact information, also known as leads. If you just promote your website without capturing their information then once they leave your site they are gone forever, or worse you have to spend time and money to get them back to your site. With an name and email you can then market to those leads several more times after they leave your site which is why they say the money is in the list.