
Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Mini Site Strategy For Online Money Making




A niche mini site is actually an improvised spot where information about a specific niche market is organized and presented in order for browsers to easily track down the items, topics, services, and other pertinent information they are searching for in the web. The clicks made within the  site are the one that generates online money. With various applications concocted together, the site becomes an online income-generating mechanism. An average mini site may earn $60 a week.

It may appear little, right?  How about if you'll make it four? That would mean an extra yearly income of $12,000. That definitely spells the difference. This strategy, or the satellite websites or “mini-site” concept, therefore, is gaining ground as effective sales channels.

But it faces three major problems in order to drive a critical number of search engine referrals. Specifically, satellite websites or mini sites lack content, keywords and linkage. Coincidentally, these are three of the most wanted items on search engines’ checklists. But for those who know the ropes, building a universe of satellite websites can result in powerful brand vehicles and marketing tools.

The said strategy is very straight-forward. Here are the basic three steps which let you build a workable niche mini site to solve those three problems.  

First, in order to generate content, you must find a niche which has an excellent profit potential and is not yet oversaturated with competitors. Explore on various markets, and find out which ones are viable to initially work on. Content is the key. No matter how cutting edge and well rounded your mini-site is, if you don’t offer original, up-to-date content, visitors will vanish. Your traffic will stay low and your rankings will follow suit. But even by simply broadcasting a small part of your staff’s combined knowledge you will provide useful information and gain opportunities to disseminate selected keywords within your content, reinforcing your chances of top ranking. Copywriting services, information swapping, content aggregation and email marketing will complement your content offering and provide you with a great platform for your industry, market, services or products.

Second, determine a list of related keywords that people usually search for then, write rich-content pages that are optimized for each of your identified keywords. Mini-sites, much more specific in scope, should be entirely built around a few efficient and related keywords, articulating a consistent theme throughout its few pages. Industry-oriented or informational sites are ideal candidates, as they can branch out to products or services presented on your main website. The main difference with larger sites is that mini-sites address a much more targeted niche. But they require going through the same optimization process as bigger sites, only on a much smaller scale, at least initially.        

Lastly, Make the outline of your site interactive so that browsers will be able to have hassle-free navigation between pages by Link popularity. As you may know by now, a decisive factor in search engine positioning is the number of links pointing to you. For out-of-the-box satellite sites, this can be accomplished by first referencing the site in directories using fee-based submissions. However, the ideal situation is to have search engines find you, not the other way around. A link from a well-established site, even in an unrelated business, will do the trick for initial indexation.. Once finished, browsers could just refer to your niche mini site for updates on the things that they search in the web. This is very convenient for them because, if the mini site is done properly, they've got everything in just one site.

So there they are - the initial three steps in creating viable niche mini sites for online money making.