
Monday, December 1, 2008

An Example of Choosing Affiliate Programs



Here is an example of choosing a site builder affiliate program to start making money online.

Firstly, let's compare the products, here we choose XSitePro and SiteBuildIt, two popular site builder with affiliate programs.

In short words, if you know what you’re doing and you’re in a hurry and you need to get your site up and running with your content and affiliate links all in place in a few clicks of the button … then go for XSitePro, because XSitePro is mainly for someone who have at least a vague idea of what Internet marketing is all about. So, you should have at least read a hand full of Internet marketing articles and you’re familiar with some of the marketing techniques available. You know … SEO, article marketing, linking strategies. You should also be familiar with the different ways you could earn an income from your web site - Adsense, affiliate links, your own products.

If you know absolutely nothing except for the fact that you’d like to build a web site and earn money from it, then SiteBuildIt is probably a better way to go about it.

As for the affiliate information, here are words from their own sites:

from its own affiliate site:
The XSitePro Affiliate Scheme offers a tremendous opportunity to creating a whole new income stream for yourself. It's quick and easy to set-up and the generous payouts mean you can quickly start to generate sizeable checks that you'll be proud to take to the bank.

Commission Structure: As an affiliate you will be rewarded with a 25% payout on every copy of XSitePro sold through your affiliate link. That's over $49 per copy..."

From its affiliate site:
The 5 Pillar Program, hailed as "the best affiliate program on the Net," allows serious full-time entrepreneurs to make a great living, while allowing part-timers to build a solid second income.

By becoming a 5 Pillar Affiliate, you will:

    * Earn $75 for each Site Build It! ("SBI!") subscription.
    * Get paid annual commission on each and every SBI! renewal with our lifetime customer policy.
    * Even earn commissions from 2 tiers of income through sales made by your own team of affiliates, just like Sales Directors in large companies..."

By comparing both the products and the affiliate programs, it can be told that SiteBuildIt (SBI!) offers better commission but has worse words of mouth on the usages of the product. Thus, it's upon to you to decide which one to sell and depends on which category of your potential clients could be. Either way, both products and affiliate programs are worth to try.