
Friday, November 7, 2008

24/7 Paid Per Click Management

The ability to have full control of the PPC activity 24 hours a day, seven days a week provides greater control over the market and the target audience. Today, 24-7 real time optimisation plays a crucial role in delivering performance and ROI generation of a PPC campaign by eliminating the time lag time between the search engine and the occurrence of data.

The benefits are:

Real-time campaign management
By combining automated bid software and human expertise, 24-7 PPC management gives advertisers full control of their PPC activity. With the knowledge and ability to adapt to competitor bid strategies and fluctuations in search behaviour, results are always in line with client objectives, whatever the day or time.

Real-time budget control
Having the ability to capitalise on fluctuations in demand by assessing search trends to the minute means advertisers can effectively distribute their PPC budgets to achieve greater ROI.

Real-time tracking
With standard tracking tools there are inevitable down times, but by using real-time tracking software, a campaign can be tracked from click to conversion as they happen. Campaigns can be adapted to maximise the results as they come in.
Compared to work day 9 am - 5.30 pm campaigns, 24-7 PPC management provides a maximum 12 hour real time competitive advantage, and 48 hours at weekends.

Instant strategy implementation
24-7 management allows for strategic bid changes to be implemented immediately; whereas with bid automated software this can take up to 24 hours.

Web analytics
The 24-7 combined management of web analytics software enables you to see and analyse traffic on your site from click to conversion and identify ineffective landing pages, drop off points and much more in real-time. This tool is essential to ensure that the traffic that is delivered to your site has a successful user experience and optimal conversion rates.