
Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Tip for Using Drop Shippers to do Online Earnings



This article intends to tell you the truth about dropshipping. it's based on our experiences and suggest drop shippers and affiliate programs that we have found to be good for business: before using a drop ship company, make sure there is no contact information in or on the shipping box. You don't want to lose business to your drop shippers. Why would your customers come back and order from you, when they can go directly to YOUR source.

We have sold many many items online since we first started, and have worked with many many different drop shippers. Some are great and we still use them, some are ok, and we only use them on occassion. Then there are the majority of drop shippers who are slow to ship, and sometimes ship out products to your customers with their contact information in or on the box. Talk about giving up your drop shipper to your customer !

Make sure this is a question you ask the drop shipper BEFORE using their services. I had a customer serveral years ago that ordered weekly from me ( I was making my own products and shipping directly to my customer), then I added some products to my website that I would have drop shipped to her. She ordered a bunch, received them quickly, but when she received the box, it came in a box that said the companies name on it, and a packing slip showing exactly who the products came from. Needless to say, I soon lost that customer to a huge drop shipping company. She still ordered directly from me for my hand made products, but the bulk of her business went to this large drop ship company.