
Friday, November 7, 2008

Social Media Mesurement Related Posts

Posted by Barry Hurd

Social Media Measurement is a very complex and strategic process which is absolutely meaningless without an end objective or frame of reference to work with. In many business applications, such as corporate or enterprise brand campaigns: begin with educating yourself on the ideas around social media and open yourself to “thinking big” so that you can appropriately enter the marketplace.

To help decision makers in this educational process, I have collected a variety of presentations from the web that are the “best of the best” explanations. I do not agree with every single bullet point, as each one presents data from different projects and for different reasons, but they do a great job of opening your mindset to a great number of questions.

If you want to educate yourself with 15-20 minutes of reading with some different insight to social media measurement and analysis, I suggest you browse through the following presentations.

Social Media Measurement
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: poplabs ruger)
Social Media
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: evolution networking)
Measuring Social Media November 2007
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: pr media)