
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Best Practice of Marketing Affiliate Programs



1)Get cheap hosting and try out a few different landing pages on a single domain, like; etc. Set up ppc campaigns for each page.
2)Create your own articles / reviews on the affiliate network product;
3)This is the core of the whole practice: Create 2 - 4 pages that is also packed with content such as sub-categories or just simply more relevant useful info.,,; and
4)Create an index to the pages on the main page ; and
5)Make sure that they all link back to each other by placing the index on every page.
6)Analyze your click through and ROI results for each page over a 1-3 days period, not too long to save costs. Tweak and make changes accordingly. Remember that the ultimate aim is to get the visitor to finally click on your affiliate link, so make sure all your content leads to that and that your affiliate links are prominent in all the pages
7)Find the successful model and move on to your next bestseller affiliate program product you want to promote with the same steps.
In summary, create your own landing page, sort of like a mini-site that specifically presells the product that you marketing. Make sure its 'Google Friendly' by packing it with relevant content and being well indexed.