
Thursday, November 6, 2008

A List of Blog Anayltics Tools

There are a lot of data points that can be meaningful for tracking blog effectiveness. That is, tracking what happens when visitors arrive at and engage with your blog content. Many of the metrics tools used for blogs are also used for basic web site analytics. That makes sense because many blog initiatives do not have the same kind of budget as web site marketing programs do. Therefore, the analytics employed tend to be low(er) or no cost.

A list below is tools to report onsite blog metrics. Pick the service or tool you like the most from the list below or something new for your unique purpose and please share in the comments. The list is in no particular order.

  • 103bees - Free web stats (ad supported) up to 100k visits per month, then it’s $9
  • Enquisite - Free, extremely detailed web stats
  • Hittail - Provides suggested topics for your blog by keywords used in referral traffic
  • Crazy Egg - Provides overlay, list and heat map web stats
  • RobotReplay - Lets you record visitor actions on your site and play them back
  • Clicky - Web stats plus feed and Feedburner stats
  • Google Analytics - Web stats, not really the best for blogs but it’s free
  • StatCounter - Free web stats
  • Co.mments - Track comment threads starting on your blog and follow them elsewhere in a feed
  • Blog Tracker - Free from IceRocket but limited functionality
  • Performancing Metrics - Basic is Free, or $3.99 to $16.99 per month for more features
  • Site Meter - Basic Free and Premium versions $6.95 and up
  • Mint - Popular web stats with bloggers for $30 per site
  • MyBlogLog - Basic blog visitor stats and social networking. Free and paid versions.
  • Feedburner Stats - StandardStats Free, TotalStats $4.99/mo
  • Wordpress Stats - Free basic blog stats plugin for Wordpress blogs
  • Google Analytics and Feedburner Stats - Free plugin for Wordpress blogs
  • eXTReMe Tracking - Free web stats with a paid version for $4.50 per month
  • Web Stat - Many web stats features for $5/mo
  • TraceWatch - Free but you need access to your server which should be running PHP/MySQL