
Friday, November 7, 2008

Who should domain Social Media Optimization

Social media optimization is a set of methods for generating publicity through social media, online communities and community websites. The keyword phrase is “generating publicity.”

As social media optimization continues its rise as a business objective, more and more professionals – marketers (traditional, digital and search), PR folks and even IT pros are claiming expertise and responsibility for it. Everyone wants to own it. Nearly all recommend social media as a component of good search engine optimization. Some offer the claim they can optimize your social media efforts.

Search marketers are individuals focused on increasing your website’s visibility in search engine results pages. Those results are dictated by algorithms (mathematics and computer programming). Thus many (but not all) search marketers are a descendent of web programmers and developers.

Social media optimization, strategy and programming, the leading component of which seems to be content generation, is best from public relations professionals, journalists and other professional communicators who offer the most qualified skill set of content generation.

In summary, social media optimization is not only from search marketers and social media practitioners, it should be mixed by search marketers, developers and programmers, IT professionals and marketers of the more traditional training who learn all instrumental components of an effective marketing strategy, on-line and off. PR folks aren’t the only answer to social media optimization, just the most qualified leaders.