
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Step by Step Online Earning Guide to Build An AdSense Site



Place Google adsense on your website and earn whenever someone clicks a Google adsense is easier and quicker to make money online. To place Google adsense on your website you need to first join Google AdSense program. You don’t need a professional look or fantastic site to sign up with Google AdSense program. A clean and simple site will be good enough.

Once you get your website launched, you’ll need to figure out how to drive visitors to your website. Your website will not generate income if no one visits your site. There are several ways to get targeted visitors/traffic to your site fast.

1. Pay-per-click (PPC) programs

Pay-per-click (PPC) programs allow you to bid for top-ranking positions on the keywords you have selected. When a visitor searches the keyword(s) you bid on and then click through to your site, you pay the amount you bid. The two most popular PPC programs are Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing, and other alternatives such as,, and so on.

2. Write Articles based on free information and resources

You can find a ton of free information and resources about website marketing and promotion from search engines. The more traffic you can drive to your website the higher your AdSense earning will be.

3. RSS advertising

RSS advertising is a free away to gain more exposure for your website. By creating an RSS file and submitting it to those RSS directories and search engines, the links to the content in your website will appear in front of those who read information using RSS readers or news aggregators and as a result driving targeted visitors to your website. Need more explanations? You can go to Google and enter the search term ‘make an RSS feed’.

4. Give away free content

Another free way to increase your website traffic is write articles and submit them to free content websites. Your articles can drive thousands of visitors to your site within weeks if your content is impressive.

5. Do Soical Networking and Bookmarking

Social networking and bookmarking sites use ranking systems to sort these bookmarked websites by relevance, placing the most important bookmarks on the front page. If you get your article or bookmark on the front page of the top social bookmarking websites, you could receive significant traffic.