
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Some Good Online Techniques

For online marketers it is very important to keep the ball rolling in business, to stay on top in order to help and show others on how to succeed. How do we do this? Simple we SELL. I don’t want to sound rude but this verse doesn’t work for me ‘You need not to sell in this business’, so how do you call it a business if you don’t sell, being in business is requires selling The question is HOW?
Being a successful entrepreneur and a mentor. I found simpler ways and better techniques when doing selling, I wanted to share these techniques to you and I hope that this will help.
a.) Appearance is everything- I don’t literally mean that you should be on a coat and a tie or in business attire, in an online marketing we can still sell even if we are in our pajamas, this is very true. What I am trying to implore is Branding, it is very important, you will attract the market to know you, because you presented yourself well, if the market will like you, the market will find ways to know you more, if the market, knows you more, a good rapport is built, once a rapport is built, there is trust between you and the market, the market will chase you down, instead of you chasing people. Once the market calls you, this is where you start to keep the ball rolling.
b.)Determine the needs- This is another technique in selling. On the manner that the market calls you and ask you about what you do and what is the nature of your business, BEWARE!, it means ‘What is it in for me’, How will I benefit from your business? You see, people are like iceberg, the biggest part is hidden below the surface, there is more to liking you and purchasing your product, but the emotions, the dreams. How will you help these people in achieving their dreams?
c.)Communication is the tool- One of the selling techniques that is very useful.
You are not in a guessing game. In order to determine the need, you need to get feedbacks, ask questions about your customers, you need to use the tool WHY?, example Why do they need the business? Why do they need the money?
d.) Sympathize- get the idea of the Why?, understand the feeling, what will you feel if you are in that situation. This will let you determine on how to help the customers achieved their dreams.
e.) Show the way on how to find solutions to the why? By doing this you will let the customers know that you are really there to help them and not by considering the customers as another additional commission.
Branding, determining the needs, communicating well, sympathizing and showing the way on how to succeed, is the way of influencing the market to buy you, after all influencing others is the true essence of selling.