
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

a step by step guide to making money with an Adsense niche site.

Step 1 : Pick A niche

You need to have plenty of potential search visitors, and it helps to have higher paying keywords if we are going to monetize it with Adsense. Use this tool, making sure you show the column Average CPC.

Step 2 : Pick your Keywords - very important - don’t skip

You can use the Adwords tool above for this, however, at times some of the volume results are exaggerated. Try something like this keyword tool. Keyword Elite is also good, but that costs a bit, and I am not here to sell you anything. Pick one main keyword which has plenty of searches, and at least 4 others which complement it.

Step 3 : Pick a platform

Wordpress sites are great, but you need a host, and to buy a domain. If this is your first attempt at making money online, why not try blogger. If you go down the buying a domain path, try and get a domain which has your main keyword in it. Normally it can take up to six months before you will get any google traffic on a new domain (Sandbox effect), however, on one occasion I found a domain “” which started ranking in Google 3 days after registering the domain. Albeit for a fairly low competition keyword with roughly 1000 searches a month. If you want your own domain also consider buying an old expired domain, it will rank much faster than a new domain. If you use blogger, try and get the keyword in the URL also. It helps.

Step 4 : Set up your site - On site SEO

Your main keyword needs to be in the title of you homepage. You want your main keyword to appear in things like H1 header tags - i.e. article titles. In image alt text. In the first few paragraphs of text on the page. It’s important you write for your reader still, but get your keywords in there.

Step 5 : Write some content

You want at least 5 articles before you start. Write good clever content about your topic, include your keywords in your headings. The better your content is the more likely to will attract natural links which you don’t have to get your self. Link bait is content that is written with the intention of attracting links from other sites .i.e. a linkable resource.

Step 6 : Build Anchored Backlinks

Assuming you selected good keywords in step 2, this is the step that will determine your success, and it is probably the hardest. Backlinks are like search engine recommendations for your site. If you have lots of them from well ranked sites, your site will rank well and get lots of traffic. The “Anchored” part of it is what determines what terms or words you rank for. I.e. if a link says “check out this “site“”, and the link is from the word site, that doesn’t tell anything about the site, and thus isn’t as valuable. However, if a link says “check out this information about “how to earn money online” ” and the link is around the term how to earn money online, search engines will see your site is about earning money online.

Step 7 : Where to get Anchored Backlinks

Here is the valuable resource in this post. I have spent considerable time building up this resource and I am sharing it with you for free. All of the backlinks below are legit sites, so please don’t spam your crappy url’s on them. It’s a waste of time.

1) Comment on Keywordluv blogs

Blogs like this one have a plug-in called Keywordluv so you can get a backlink that is anchored. You have to leave your name in the format Yourname@keyword. You can also use the custom Google search below which only searches a list of blogs which have keywordluv installed. I am updating it regularly. DO NOT SPAM THESE BLOGS. Leave meaningful comments in the correct format and you will be rewarded. One of the leading contenders in the Busby SEO Challenge used Keywordluv to build up search engine rankings with great success.