
Friday, November 14, 2008

Using Tools to Find Keyword rich Domain Names


This is a really simple guide how to register keyword rich domain names getting organic traffic. Find and register keyword rich domain names to use for landing pages, link building or 301 redirects.

There are two tools we will use here; the Google AdWords keyword tool and a bulk whois checker. Google AdWords keyword tool is a great tool in many ways. We will use it here for finding domain names with keywords people search for.

This is how you do it.
•    Go to Google AdWords keyword tool,
•    Pick the keyword or keywords which you are interested in. I will pick the keyword "laptops". This keyword is quite competitive and probably isn't the best example but I am pretty sure Google will provide us with a couple of domain name ideas containing the keyword "Laptops".
•    Make sure that the "use synonyms" box is ticked. We want Google to give us synonyms on our keyword(s). Then hit "Get keyword ideas".
•    Filter the results on Exact matches (Broad is fine too but exact is.... Exact) adwords.jpg
•    Scroll down and click on "download all keywords" and choose text format as the output. Or you can manually add each and every keyword. But I prefer to go with the bulk approach.
•    Copy and paste the keyword list into a blank word or notepad document. Then use the find and replace function to remove the [ & ] characters.


•    Now you got your list of keywords, keywords containing "laptop" and keywords people search for on Google.
•    Next step is to go to a bulk whois tool, the whois will tell us which domain names are available and which domain names are already registered and who owns them.
•    Moniker bulk whois is one of the best ones, lets you search for 500 domain names at once (however nowadays it requires you to register but registering is an easy thing). Head over to There are other bulk whois tools as well, is another ok one.

•    Copy the list of up to 500 keywords (now without the [ & ] characters) and don't worry about adding a .com, extension into the search box and hit search. Before you hit Search you can filter on preferred domain name extension, if you only want .com and or etc. Hit Search.
•    Whois will tell you which domain names are available to register. Our keyword "laptops" don't give us that many available domain names to choose from. But there are a few available ones (at the moment of writing that is).
•    Of the available domain names we found, "most powerful laptop" gets 1000 exact searches on Google every month and "best budget laptop" gets 590 exact searches on Google every month.
•    That's it really. Play around with your keywords and when you find your gem(s) then head over to your preferred domain name registry and register your new domain name!